
Anthropology Major

The major in anthropology consists of ten courses. 

Required Courses
Core Courses:
ANTH 1100Introducing Anthropology: What Makes Us Human?1
ANTH 2010Anthropological Research: Methods and Ethics in Practice a1
ANTH 2030Anthropological Theory: Concepts in Context1
Select one 3000-level anthropology course.1
Select five anthropology elective courses. b5

Anthropology Minor

The minor in anthropology consists of five courses.

Required Courses
ANTH 1100Introducing Anthropology: What Makes Us Human?1
Select four anthropology elective courses. c4

Additional Information and Department Policies

  • For a course to fulfill major or minor requirements, a grade of C- or above must be earned in that course.
  • 主修或辅修课程必须以常规字母成绩(不是学分/D/不及格)。.
  • First-year writing seminars count toward the major or minor.
  • 主修或辅修人类学的学生可以与其他系或专业重复计算多少门课程,这是没有限制的.
  • 本专业必修的十门课程中有八门必须是买球平台人类学课程. 八门买球平台专业必修课程中,最多可包括两门由院系教师建议的独立学习或荣誉课程.
  • 经系主任或学生人类学专业指导老师同意, majors may count up to two elective courses, from among off-campus study courses, 和/或其他有助于学生特定兴趣的相关学科买球平台课程.
  • One of the five courses required for the minor, with department approval, may be from off-campus study.
  • 辅修科目只有两门1000级课程(1000-1999).

Independent Study

中级或高级独立学习课程允许学生在系里教师的指导下追求对人类学的兴趣或激情. 最多两个学期的中级或高级独立学习(或荣誉)课程可以计入专业要求. 一学期的中级或高级独立学习可计入辅修要求. 学生们通常在大三或大四的时候学习独立学习课程.

Departmental Honors

荣誉项目使对某些主题有持续兴趣的学生能够在人类学教员的指导下进行独立研究. 想要以人类学荣誉学位毕业的学生必须在大四时成功完成一个荣誉项目,并且在人类学专业的课程中表现出色.

To pursue honors, 鼓励学生在大三的春季与人类学教师就他们提出的研究项目进行咨询. 许多学生在大三和大四之间的暑假进行研究. 学生在大四的第一学期向系里提交一份书面的荣誉项目提案. 一旦部门批准了荣誉项目并指派了一个荣誉委员会, students then prepare an honors project, 哪一篇研究论文通常是在一个指导老师和另一个阅读者的指导下,用两个学期完成的. 荣誉的评定以主修课程的成绩为基础, an honors project that is approved by the department, 并具有独立工作和创造性综合理论的能力, methodological, archaeological, and/or ethnographic material.

Off-Campus Study

校外学习可能对主修人类学有很大的帮助,系里鼓励学生考虑到另一个地方进行学术研究, cultural context, and/or language. 建议学生在大三的时候计划学习并完成 ANTH 2010 Anthropological Research: Methods and Ethics in Practice——专注于研究设计、方法和伦理. 学生必须在离校前获得院系教师的书面临时批准, and then, to receive credit toward their major or minor, 学生必须在返回买球平台时获得导师的最终批准. With departmental approval, 学生最多可将两门校外学习课程计入其主修课程,最多可将一门校外学习课程计入其辅修课程. 

Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate

有关国际学士学位考试学分的信息,请参阅该部门. No credit is given for Advanced Placement. To receive credit for International Baccalaureate work, 学生必须在买球平台大学二年级结束前将他们的成绩正式报告给注册办公室. 

Information for Incoming Students

人类学探索全球人类生活的惊人多样性和复杂性. 它要求学生批判性地思考我们对世界的假设,以及塑造我们日常生活的权力等级制度. 人类学考察过去和当代文化,以了解社会如何以及为什么, economic, ideological, environmental, and political relationships are reproduced or transformed. We integrate the specifics of individual experience, local particularities of landscapes and communities, 以及广泛的区域和全球背景,以更好地理解人类的行为和意义, including relations of power, identity, and inequality. 在我们的文化人类学和人类学考古学课程中,学生们学习如何“化陌生为熟悉”, and the familiar strange” through analysis of material, visual, sonic, and textual data.

人类学系欢迎一年级学生参加我们的几门课程. For fall 2024 first-years may enroll in ANTH 2100 Archaeology and the Human ExperienceANTH 2221 Global Health: Contemporary Issues, Debates, and Perspectives, and ANTH 2410 Landscapes of Power: Culture, Place, and the Built Environment Landscapes of Power: Culture, Place, and the Built Environment. 

None of these courses assume any prior work in anthropology. 所有这些课程都有助于主修或辅修人类学,除了第一年的研讨会外,所有课程都符合学院的一些分配要求(DPI和/或IP)。.  我们鼓励想要学习2000级人类学课程的学生参加  ANTH 1100 Introducing Anthropology: What Makes Us Human? as early as possible. 

这是官方买球平台目录和学术手册的摘录. View the Catalogue