
History Major

History offers courses in the following fields of study: Africa, East Asia, Europe, Latin America, South Asia, the United States, Atlantic Worlds, and Colonial Worlds. Multi-field courses fall into more than one of these fields of study.

Before electing to major in history, 学生应该已经完成或正在学习至少两门大学水平的历史课程. In consultation with a faculty advisor in the department, 学生应该计划一个课程,从入门或中级水平开始,逐步进入高级水平.


  • 中级以下课程(2000以下)不得超过两门, and these must be taken prior to the junior year;
  • no more than six courses in a single field of study may count toward the major;
  • a multi-field course may count toward any one of its designated fields;
  • three non-Euro/US courses;
  • one pre-modern course;
  • three courses numbered 2500 or higher (must be taken at Bowdoin).
    • Intermediate seminars (2500-2969), intermediate independent and collaborative studies (2970-2999), advanced research seminars (3000s), 高级独立和合作研究或荣誉项目(4000分)也包括在内.
    • ​One of the three upper-level seminars must be a 3000-level capstone seminar. 在与指导老师协商后,一个专业可以通过荣誉项目来满足这一要求.

History Minor


  • a maximum of one course below the intermediate level (numbered below 2000), which must be taken prior to the junior year;
  • 在买球平台修读一门中级或以上水平的课程(编号2000或更高);
  • one course must be non-Euro/US.

Additional Information and Department Policies

  • Grades: 学生必须达到C-的最低成绩才能获得主修或辅修学分. 主修或辅修课程必须以常规字母成绩(不是学分/D/不及格)。.
  • Study Away: In their sophomore year, 打算离开买球平台学习的学生应该和系里的指导老师讨论一份历史专业的计划,包括在买球平台和其他地方的工作. 参加批准的校外学习的学生每学期可以将一门历史课程计入主修或辅修历史课程. In exceptional cases, 学生每学期可以申请获得一门以上历史专业课程的学分. In all cases, 从买球平台拿走的最多三门历史课程可以计入历史专业, pending review. 在其他机构修过的最多一门课程可以算作历史辅修课程.
  • Honors: To be eligible to register for honors, 学生必须在该系的课程中取得相当于B+的平均成绩,并获得论文指导老师的批准. All history majors seeking departmental honors must research and write an honors thesis.
  • Languages: 历史专业的学生被鼓励发展一种或多种外语的能力,并在他们的历史阅读和研究中使用这种能力. 掌握一门外语对计划毕业工作的学生尤为重要.
  • Advanced Placement/International Baccalaureate (AP/IB): Students who received a four or higher on the World History AP exam, US History AP exam, 或欧洲历史AP考试-或历史IB考试的5分或更高-必须完成2000级或以上的历史课程,最低成绩为B,才能获得大学考试学分. AP/IB credits do not count toward the history major or any college requirements; credits from AP/IB exams only count toward total credits needed for graduation. 如果学生在一门以上的AP/IB历史考试中取得分数,则只会获得一个总学分. In order to receive credit for advanced placement work, 学生必须在买球平台大学二年级结束前将他们的成绩正式报告给注册办公室.
  • 专业可以重复计算与历史交叉列出的无限数量的课程到另一个部门或项目. 
  • 未成年人可以重复计算与历史交叉列出的课程到另一个部门或项目的数量.


  • 第一年的写作研讨会(1000 - 1949)通过历史作为一门学科的研究,向学生介绍大学水平的写作. Registration is limited to sixteen students in each seminar. 编号为1028-1049的第一年写作研讨会满足非欧美历史专业的要求.
  • 导论课程(1100-1999)向学生介绍历史作为人文和社会科学学科的方法和技巧. 编号1370-1999的1000级入门课程满足非欧洲/美国历史专业的要求.
  • 核心课程(2000 - 1999)调查历史主题和问题,并提供加深历史思维和写作技能的机会. (Open to all students, including first-year students.) Core courses numbered 2270–2499 fulfill the non-Euro/US requirement for history majors.
  • 中级研讨班(2500-2999)为批判性阅读和讨论提供了更深入的学习机会, analytical writing, library or archival research, and methodology. (Not open to first-year students without instructor’s permission; some background in the discipline assumed.) Seminars numbered 2740–2899 fulfill the non-Euro/US requirement for history majors.
  • 中级独立学习课程根据重点领域进行编号:HIST 2970-2971 Europe, HIST 2972-2973 is for United States, HIST 2974-2975 is for Africa, HIST 2976-2977 is for East Asia, HIST 2978-2979 is for Latin America, HIST 2980-2981 is for South Asia, HIST 2982-2983 is for Atlantic Worlds, HIST 2984-2985 is for Colonial Worlds, and HIST 2986-2998 is reserved for all other areas of focus.
    • An intermediate collaborative study course is numbered HIST 2999.
  • 高级研讨会(3000-3999)要求学生在之前的课程基础上进行大量的历史研究. (Not open to first-year students without instructor’s permission.) Seminars numbered 3270–3999 fulfill the non-Euro/US requirements for history majors.
  • 高级独立学习课程根据重点领域进行编号:HIST 4000-4001适用 Europe, HIST 4002-4003 is for United States, HIST 4004-4005 is for Africa, HIST 4006-4007 is for East Asia, HIST 4008-4009 is for Latin America, HIST 4010-4011 is for South Asia, HIST 4012-4013 is for Atlantic Worlds, HIST 4014-4015 is for Colonial Worlds, and HIST 4016-4028 is reserved for all other areas of focus.
    • An advanced collaborative study course is numbered HIST 4029.
  • Honors project courses are numbered based on the area of focus: HIST 4050-4051 is for Europe, HIST 4052-4053 is for United States, HIST 4054-4055 is for Africa, HIST 4056-4057 is for East Asia, HIST 4058-4059 is for Latin America, HIST 4060-4061 is for South Asia, HIST 4062-4063 is for Atlantic Worlds, HIST 4064-4065 is for Colonial Worlds, and HIST 4066-4079 is reserved for all other areas of focus. 

Information for Incoming Students

First-year students can begin their study of history at Bowdoin at a variety of levels. This includes:

  • 一年级写作研讨会(1000- 1949),通过历史作为一门学科的研究,专注于大学水平的写作;
  • 入门课程(1100-1999),向学生介绍历史作为一门人文和社会科学学科的方法和技能;
  • 核心课程(2000- 1999),调查历史主题和问题,并提供机会加深历史思维和写作技能.

Please contact any member of the History Department if you have questions about appropriate course level or the best entry point for you. 因为历史系致力于为学生提供各种历史视角, we encourage students to explore offerings in non-western history (Africa, Middle East, East Asia, Latin America, and South Asia) early on.

This is an excerpt from the official Bowdoin College Catalogue and Academic Handbook. View the Catalogue