
拉丁美洲、加勒比和拉丁研究 (LACLaS) Major

Prospective majors should demonstrate competency in a language spoken in Latin America, 相当于中级高级西班牙语, 法国, 或葡萄牙. Students may also demonstrate proficiency in languages spoken in this region but not yet offered 在买球平台 including Quechua, 瓜拉尼人, 和艾马拉语. This requirement may be satisfied through the completion of 他2204年 中级西班牙语II or FRS 2204 中级法语II买球平台, 课程以外的实习, or through an oral interview and the submission of a writing sample to the program’s director. The language requirement must be completed by the end of the junior year. 


选择一门课程 历史 covering several countries and/or periods in Latin America, 加勒比海, 和/或美国的拉丁裔社区, 如:1
HIST 1512现代拉丁美洲历史
Warriors, Missionaries, and Pirates: Colonial Latin America (1491-1700)
Decolonizing Latin America: A (long) Century of War, 1770-1910
Revolutions in Latin America: The People Take the Stage
HIST 3404拉丁美洲的罪与罚
选择一门课程 人文学科 (other than 历史) that focuses on cultural production (such as literature, 艺术, 音乐, 跳舞, 艺术历史, and/or media) and covers two or more countries and/or periods in Latin America, 西班牙裔或讲法语的加勒比海地区, 和/或美国的拉丁裔社区, 如:1
Introduction to Hispanic Studies: Poetry and Theater
Introduction to Hispanic Studies: Essay and Narrative
The Southern Cone Revisited: Contemporary Challenges
他3252年 智利战役:从阿连德到皮诺切特
选择一门中级课程(2500-2799) 社会科学 (人类学, 经济学, 政府, 心理学, or 社会学) that focuses on Latin America 或者美国的拉丁裔社区, 如: a1
ANTH 2737 Family, Gender,and Sexuality in Latin America
ANTH 2830 Descendants of the Sun: The Inca and their Ancestors
env 2313
GSWS 2345
Select one advanced seminar in 拉丁美洲的 studies, 如:1
LACL 3342
SOC 3410移民想象
选择五门拉丁美洲选修课, 加勒比, 和拉丁语研究, 其中四个应该在2000年参加, 3000, 或者4000级.5

拉丁美洲、加勒比和拉丁研究 (LACLaS) Minor



选择一门课程 拉丁美洲的 历史 covering several countries and periods in the region, 如:1
Becoming Latin America: The Making of a Colonial World (1491-1700)
Decolonizing Latin America: A (long) Century of War, 1770-1910
Revolutions in Latin America: The People Take the Stage
选择一门课程 人文学科 or the 社会科学 covering several countries and periods in Latin America, 西班牙裔或讲法语的加勒比海地区, 或者美国的拉丁裔社区.1
在拉丁美洲选择三门选修课程, 加勒比, 和拉丁语研究, 其中两个应该在2000年参加, 3000, 或者4000级. 3


  • Majors and minors in LACLaS are expected to take courses on different periods of the 历史 of Latin America, 加勒比海, and the 拉丁美洲的 and 加勒比 communities in the United States.
  • Majors and minors in LACLaS are highly encouraged to pursue immersion in Latin America or 加勒比海, 以及该地区的研究机会. Students should consult with their advisors and the Office of Off-Campus Study for information about available programs and research travel grants.  
  • 课程 that count toward the major or minor must be taken for regular letter grades (not Credit/D/Fail), and students must earn grades of C- or better in these courses. 
  • Up to three credits from off-campus study (excluding first- and second-year language courses) may count toward the major. Up to two credits from off-campus study (excluding language courses) may count toward the minor. Approval of the director of LACLaS for those courses is required. Please inquire in advance of enrollment in a program.
  • Up to two independent studies (4000-level courses) in 拉丁美洲的 studies may count toward the major or minor.
  • Majors may elect to write an honors project in the dep艺术ment with the approval of a faculty supervisor. This involves two semesters of independent study in the senior year and the writing of an honors essay and its defense before a faculty committee. 
  • Up to three courses outside the program may count toward the major and two may count toward the minor.
  • Up to one of the courses outside the program may be a non cross-listed course 在买球平台, 得到了项目主管的批准.
  • Students who receive a minimum score of four on the 法国 Language and Culture AP exam, 或法国IB考试至少得6分, are eligible to receive a general credit toward the degree, 不是大调/小调, 如果他们完成了 FRS 2305 电影进阶法语 或更高,并获得B-的最低成绩. Students meeting these criteria do not receive credit if they place into or elect to take a course lower than FRS 2305 电影进阶法语.
  • Students who receive a minimum score of four on the Spanish Language AP exam or the Spanish Literature and Culture AP exam, 或者西班牙语IB考试的最低分数为6分, are eligible to receive a general credit toward the degree, 不是大调/小调, 如果他们完成了 他2305年 高级西班牙语:语言,文化和政治 或更高,并获得B-的最低成绩. Students meeting these criteria do not receive credit if they place into or elect to take a course lower than 他2305年 高级西班牙语:语言,文化和政治.
  • In order to receive credit for Advanced Placement or International Baccalaureate work, students must have their scores officially reported to the Office of the Registrar by the end of their sophomore year 在买球平台. 


拉丁美洲的, 加勒比 and Latinx Studies is an interdisciplinary program with regularly cross-listed courses in the dep艺术ments of Africana, 人类学, 艺术, 跳舞, 历史, 音乐, 罗曼语和文学, 社会学, 和性别, 性与女性研究.

Required courses include one cross-listed course in the 社会科学, 历史上交叉上市的课程, and one cross-listed course in the 人文学科 – all with focus on Latin America, 加勒比海, 和/或美国的拉丁裔社区.S. The 1000-level courses in the 人文学科 and the 2000-level 历史 courses are often a good place to begin as they offer an excellent overview of the regions and normally have no prerequisites. Students can enter the program through any of its disciplines and at any level, 但他们可能需要上一些入门课程,比如 尖刺外壳1100 介绍人类学:是什么让我们成为人类?, or SOC 1101 社会学概论 作为某些课程的先决条件.

Students are expected to address the language requirement early on. This requirement may be satisfied through the completion of 他2204年 中级西班牙语II or FRS 2204 中级法语II买球平台, 课程以外的实习, or through an oral interview and the submission of a writing sample to the program’s Director, 玛格丽特·博伊尔. Students may also demonstrate proficiency in languages spoken in this region but not yet offered 在买球平台 including Quechua, 瓜拉尼人, 和艾马拉语.

This is an excerpt from the official Bowdoin College Catalogue and Academic Handbook. 查看目录